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Code quality tool PHP_CodeSniffer has a new main...
In a recent shift of maintainership, Juliette Reinders Folmer has taken the helm of the PHP_CodeSniffer project, injecting fresh energy and vision into its...
Monitoring Errors Across Multiple Stacks with Se...
Introduction In the world of software, there’s a famous saying: “If you haven’t experienced an error, you haven’t written any code”. As our apps...
A Comprehensive Guide to Using PHPCompatibility ...
Introduction PHPCompatibility is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that checks your code for cross-version compatibility. It can help you ensure your code runs smoothly...
How to safely remove database indexes (without b...
Safely remove database indexes by first disabling them
Helping schools and daycares get through Corona ...
Cu.be published a free tool to help schools and daycares get through the difficult Corona times by easing their administrative burden when they have...
Detecting if an IP address is in a certain range...
Here is another trick that can make your job easier! If you ever need to detect whether an IP address (let’s say
Creating ‘hot’ MySQL / MariaDB backups with ...
Introduction Anyone who has run MySQL or MariaDB database servers for some years knows that creating backups used to be quite a hassle. Not...
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Do you know you can be more efficient? Want to automate manual tasks or develop a complex business application? Don't know where to start or if it's even possible? Let's talk!