Case | POC for Solar Hydrogen Production
Building a Proof of Concept for KULeuven's pioneering solar hydrogen production
KULeuven, one of Europe’s leading research institutions, embarked on a groundbreaking project to develop solar panels capable of directly producing hydrogen from sunlight and water vapor. This innovative approach aimed to create a decentralized, sustainable energy solution. With the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy sector, the project required a robust technological foundation to control and monitor the internal processes of the solar panels.
The Challenge
To validate the feasibility of this technology, KULeuven needed a functional Proof of Concept (PoC) that could integrate sensor inputs, control mechanisms, and real-time adjustments based on advanced algorithms. The PoC required a seamless hardware-software integration capable of:
Remote monitoring and control of key panel components, including valves and electric current.
Real-time processing of sensor data.
Algorithm-driven decision-making for optimal hydrogen production.
KULeuven partnered with Solutions, a specialist in IoT and embedded systems, to develop the necessary technological infrastructure.
The Solution Solutions provided a tailored IoT solution that enabled comprehensive control and monitoring of the solar panel’s internal processes. Their contributions included:
IoT Hardware Development: Designing and deploying a custom device capable of interfacing with sensors and actuators embedded in the solar panel system.
Software Integration: Creating a control system that translated sensor inputs into actionable adjustments for valves and electrical currents, ensuring efficiency and safety.
Remote Accessibility: Implementing cloud-based connectivity, allowing KULeuven researchers to monitor and fine-tune the system remotely.
Algorithm Implementation: Supporting the integration of KULeuven’s proprietary algorithms into the control system to automate decision-making.
The successful deployment of the PoC demonstrated that the technology was viable for further development, enabling the project to transition into a full-fledged commercial venture.
With the Proof of Concept validated, KULeuven officially spun off the project into an independent company, Solhyd. The new venture continues to refine and scale the technology, positioning itself as a leader in the emerging field of solar-driven hydrogen production. Solutions’ expertise in IoT and system integration was instrumental in proving the feasibility of the concept, laying the groundwork for a sustainable energy breakthrough.
Technologies used
- Python
- Docker (local, test, staging and production)
- Ansible
- and much more