Detecting if an IP address is in a certain range in PHP

Here is another trick that can make your job easier!


If you ever need to detect whether an IP address (let’s say is inside a certain IP range/subnet (let’s say, you can use the following function in PHP :

 * Check IPv4 address is within a range
 * @param string $ip A valid IPv4 address (
 * @param string $subnet A valid IPv4 subnet (
 * @param string $mask A valid IPv4 subnet mask (a number from 0-32)
 * @return boolean True if the address is within the range, false if it isn't
function ip4_in_network($ip, $subnet, $mask)
    if ($mask <= 0) {
        return false;
    $ip_bin_string = sprintf("%032b", ip2long($ip));
    $net_bin_string = sprintf("%032b", ip2long($subnet));
    return (substr_compare($ip_bin_string, $net_bin_string, 0, $mask) === 0);


For IPv6, the code is slightly more complicated:

 * Check IPv6 address is within a range
 * @param string $ip A valid IPv6 address
 * @param string $subnet A valid IPv6 subnet
 * @param string $mask A valid IPv6 subnet mask (a number from 0-128)
 * @return boolean True if the address is within the range, false if it isn't 
function ip6_in_network($ip, $subnet, $mask)
    $subnet = inet_pton($subnet);
    $ip = inet_pton($ip);

    // thanks to MW on
    $binMask = str_repeat("f", $mask / 4);
    switch ($mask % 4) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
            $binMask .= "8";
        case 2:
            $binMask .= "c";
        case 3:
            $binMask .= "e";
    $binMask = str_pad($binMask, 32, '0');
    $binMask = pack("H*", $binMask);

    return ($ip & $binMask) == $subnet;

Picture of Wim Godden

Wim Godden

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